
As producers concerned about the environment and the relationship with our communities where we are inserted, we comply with the most demanding certifications of safe production, both national and international, highlighting the USA GAP certification, EUREP GAP, Global Gapp etc. All this, allows us to access all the markets that require our fruit.

Countries to which we export

  Santiago Contact
  Agrifrut Comercial Ltda. Headquarters

Isidora Goyenechea 3250 Oficina 601,
Las Condes Santiago.

Tel : (+56-2) 32736200
Mail : contacto@agrifrutsc.cl

   Llay Llay Contact
Fundo San Carlos de las Masas

Camino El Porvenir, Km 1,5 Llay Llay, San Felipe

Tel :(+56-34) 2611239